Daycare also provides excellent socialization opportunities with other friendly dogs and people. Dogs are active and social animals; they need to run and romp regularly and for most dogs, the chance to play with other dogs is a joy like no other. For puppies, this is extremely important. It is critical to expose puppies early to as many new experiences as possible in order to give your dog the best start in life.
We have multiple playgroups every day so that we can separate dogs into safe and fun groups. Small dogs play separately from large dogs, and beyond that we match compatible temperaments and playstyles.
Most diseases your dog could contract at daycare are prevented by keeping your dog up-to-date with their vaccinations, worming and flea/tick prevention. However, some diseases like Bordetella, commonly known as "kennel cough" have many different strains. It is always possible your dog could contract "kennel cough" when one dog in the daycare has been exposed to it and begins to show the symptoms. Once our staff hears a dog coughing, we will quarantine the affected dog and send him home. We'll let you know if an outbreak has occurred, clean the daycare thoroughly and observe if the other dogs begin to show symptoms.